Wednesday, May 19, 2010


 --  I interviewed #12, on a list of 24 potential part-time nannies. Yep. Apparently, there's still not much work out there, or at least not in Natchitoches this summer. So much for the recession being over. I have liked almost all of them and loved a few of them. Gonna be tough, especially since I'm only halfway down the list.

-- I watched Ellie paint and she was so neat and tidy, such a big girl. We found a set of watercolors (you know, the little tray of oval colors) on sale at Walgreens, so I just let her go for it. She couldn't believe she could choose any or all of the 24 colors. She produced three very creative pieces for display in my kitchen gallery. She went for hot pink first, in case the suspense was killing you.

-- I thought it was gross that I gave the boys, in this order:  antibiotic, pineapple flavored; Motrin, bubble gum flavored; congestion medicine, grape flavored. It was like a nasty little fruit smoothie.

-- I witnessed a ravioli lunch incident of enormous proportions, which required a double mid-day bath. Bath assembly line = one baby in bean bag chair, one baby in tub, naked clean baby on towel, diaper, clothe, clean baby back in bean bag chair. Repeat.

-- I started packing up bottles: big boys and their cups. And yesterday they BOTH sat up long enough to be weighed at the doctor!

Wish I could say this was an abnormal day. But, it's pretty much the norm! :)


Salinda said...

I love kiddie artwork. In fact I've pretty much decided that bright watercolors fit my eclectic garage sale decor much better than the old stuff frames and portraits that I used to decorate with. Enjoy them!

ps..frame those pieces. they make fantabulous gifts for random grandparents and aunts and uncles. just as susie and sarah!

Aimee J said...

I love reading about your 'normal' days! Ours are not much different! We are hoping to come visit everyone this summer, maybe in June or July! Love you all! Hope to see you all soon!

Adriane said...

I agree with you on the medicinal fruit smoothie. And we have to time spaghetti nights for bath nights because of the mess that Evan makes. Kids seems to love their pasta dishes a little too much! Hope the boys are feeling better.